Grand Opening: Kluh Art Gallery, Olympia WA

Join me for the grand opening reception of my very own art gallery!! 🥂

Olympia Art Gallery, Kluh Art Gallery, PNW Artist Julie Kluh

After 5 years doing business online and working with other galleries, I've taken the big step in opening my very own gallery and studio! This space, filled with natural light will be open to the public to view my art. Currently, I am showing only my art in the gallery, but hope to invite other artists into the space down the road. 

I plan to host painting events, like fun paint and sips and also more serious oil painting classes locally. Having this space will open so many doors!

Please join me as I celebrate opening on October 14th, 2023 for a toast!

Everyone is invited to the opening: 

Grand Opening Reception
Saturday October 14, 2023
5:00 - 7:00 PM

The Craft District Market Building
Kluh Art Gallery

4242 Capitol Blvd SE
Suite 120

Tumwater, WA 98501

This beautiful new building has just opened to the public and will be having its opening celebration on the 14th of October, along with me! Several of the new businesses have opened including Olympia Seafood (2nd location), Sweetlees Ice Cream, Nana's Thai take-out and Finn River Cidery.

Come see this beautiful building and the latest from my studio! 🌊

Kluh Art Gallery Olympia WA Artist Oil Paintings - Julie Kluh