Hire Me to Create a Custom Painting
Bring me your idea and I will paint it for you!
A custom painting, or commissioned painting, is so special because I put my creative expression into something you love.
I can paint from a photograph you provide or research and come up with the scene and subject as needed. My strengths are in natural subjects, ocean, skies and landscapes.
How it works:
1. Tell me about your idea: or email me at julie@juliekluh.com and let me know what you have in mind. We will discuss options for you and whether your painting is something I feel is something I can do for you.
2. Quote & Pricing: Price depends on the size and complexity. All commissions start at $1200 and go up incrementally from there depending on size.
3. Discuss & Sketch: We will discuss as needed, you can send me photos for inspiration and exactness, then I will create sketches to ensure we're on the same page. Before I begin painting I will ask for your approval on sketches before moving forward.
4. Deposit: A deposit of 50% is due to begin your process. Once paid, I will purchase supplies, finalize the sketch with you and then begin the painting. The balance is due upon completion and delivery.
5. Timing: Most commissions are complete in about 8 weeks, however, that depends on my availability and schedule.
I offer solid wood floating frames as part of the commission price and can paint or stain them to your liking.
If you are not ready to commit to anything but are wondering about the cost to commission a painting, I would love to hear your idea!
Contact me to find out about a painting
Please note: Julie Kluh retains all copyrights to commissioned art unless specified in a written agreement.
Recent Commissioned Work –
Three Sisters Mountains, Sunriver Oregon
Oil Painting on Canvas 40"x30"
South Puget Sound Olympic Mountain Sunset, Olympia, WA
Oil Painting on Canvas
Buddha Point at Sunset, Big Island Hawaii
Oil Painting on Canvas 60"x40"
A New Day, Ocean Wave Breaking
Oil Painting on Canvas 60"x24"
Schwitzer View of Pend Oreille, Idaho
Oil Painting on Canvas 40"x30"
Backsplash Wave at Cape Disappointment, Washington Coast
Oil Painting on Canvas 40"x30"
Mission Bay, San Diego, CA
Oil Painting on Canvas 40"x30"